Exciting news!

The Community Center is now home to The Gallery at UP. University Park artists and artisans will now have an opportunity to display their artistic creations on a year-round basis.

In 2022, The Gallery will feature two-month-long exhibits, each with a different theme or focus. The first show features the winning artists from the 2021 Art in the Park. In February, a show will feature the many fine crafts, from fabric art and woodworking to jewelry-making and glasswork, produced by artisans in the Park.

The process this year will include a Selection Panel of artists, artisans and non-artists/crafters from whom a committee of 3 will determine the work to be included in each show. There will be no charge for submissions, no judging of work and no sales. We will host an opening reception one evening at the beginning of each show. Otherwise, The Gallery will be open during weekday business hours.

If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, enter work or have questions, please contact Deborah Van Brunt at deb.vnbrnt@gmail.com. Your involvement is welcome!